First and foremost this website and the sharing of its knowledge is a (free!) passion of mine.

  • I have no affiliations with any of the products or persons mentioned here, nor do I receive any compensation for directing somebody there.
  • Not all South African financial institutions support online payment systems like PayPal, Patreon etc. However, a normal EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) can still be done from anywhere in the world.
  • Please support my passion and dedication to share knowledge with Humanity for free. I invest many hours in researching and compiling knowledge that should be freely available as part of my Service to Others. Mostly this is just my calling and I love sharing wisdom and knowledge!
  • Sponsors are welcome to make contact for collaboration.
If you would like to make a donation, however holistic, financial or small, kindly let me know on and I will correspond with you privately.

Please note:

We do not accept Cryptocurrency / Cheques

We do accept Energy exchanges / Direct EFT

With grateful blessings in Love & Light

