About Zee
Zee was born a Sensitive from a lineage filled with healers and intuitives. Becoming a Cosmic Shaman was just another natural step in her lifelong journey and evolution as a healer, medium and intuitive.
Cosmic Shamans are born into their roles and only through various incarnations across all time, space, dimensions, and timelines do they eventually qualify to work in the Shamanic Realm. The Shamanic Realm is well-known across the Universes. All sentient beings are aware of them and allow these Shamans free and safe passage as they are neutral in the work they do. They are seen as the healers and magicians of the Universes because of the tools collected from specific experiences through various lifetimes. Cosmic Shamans work with all beings, species, and realms – be it a planetary underworld or across the Multiverses. They work on all physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, quantum, and metaphysical levels. Having faith in their Shaman’s level of ability and skill is therefore key for everyday humans. Without understanding this it can bring about much judgment and insecurity from the human side but any Shaman, worth his or her salt, is aware of the level of consciousness which bring about such actions and will truly be beyond being offended by it. Zee is proudly aligned with all benevolence, love, and light in her daily work as a petite healer, medicine woman, spiritual guide, writer, and valued member of the community. Make no mistake, dynamite comes in small packages and when she moves into her stealthy Warrior mode, you will be grateful to have her fighting on your side! Team Zee