Like you I am a divine, spiritual, sovereign being having but a 3D experience.  I know for a fact that we all have guides, gifts and sacred, inner knowledge that are waiting to be found and explored. As a healer, an empath, Soul Warrior and an Awakener I have had the opportunity to explore many paths and fully trust the guidance I receive in this lifetime and timeline.

Please note I am in no way, shape or form a channeler or a fortune teller. I am merely an individual that is able to connect to my Higher Self, my trusted guides, guardians, ancestors and the various Ascended Masters and Arch Angels. I call them my A-team and they assist me daily in whatever capacity I may require.

I think you would agree with me that the pace of today’s life has become unusually fast and making time to “connect” has become the ultimate challenge for all of us. Perhaps this is why people chase instant gratification when it comes to making contact with the forgotten “We are One” feeling, our guides or our Higher Selves by way of plant medicine like Ayahuasca or Psilocybin. This once sacred and very secretive spiritual tool has now sadly blown up seemingly to the extent of being a very popular tourist industry instead. There is a retreat around every corner in every country and as a Healer (through many lifetimes) it is disheartening to know so many have lost sight of the sacredness of the Plant Spirits and what they actually can assist us with. The tribes and the tourists alike are becoming part of the “system” but this is a topic for another article!

Given life’s daily time restrictions which I definitely also fall victim too, I have been fortunate to connect to my various guides only by raising my vibration and doing focused meditations. Even when I am guiding others through sacred plant ceremonies am I able to connect with the Plant Spirit without actually eating/drinking/smoking the plant. To me this serves as confirmation that plant medicine should be seen and used only as a tool to open the connection to our Higher Selves and the dimensions beyond this one, instead of using it as the permanent/only crutch like many do. It is a beautiful spiritual tool and I recommend it for any person craving to know what the “We are all one” connection feels like. Thereafter you must maintain it though and in my humble opinion, without insisting on the plant doing the work for you all the time.

Make time for meditation!

Meditation is so important to me and my spirit lets me know whenever I neglect it. You will notice yourself becoming more irritable, anxious, snappy, moody, tired, inpatient etc. etc.  The best thing to realize is that meditation can be done ANYWHERE! You don’t have to sit cross-legged and chant “ohm” to meditate. I meditate while listening to music on my way to work (I have often connected to guides this way spontaneously), walking in nature, staring up at a starry night sky, just daydreaming. My favorite is still to make it a bit more special and sacred by drawing a nice smelling bath (aromatherapy), adding salt (grounding and removing negativity), lighting candles and playing my favorite music (Click here to listen to my favorite group Desert Rose). Sometimes, if I feel it necessary, I shall bring my crystals, special stones, feathers and other shamanic tools with me. I basically totally go with the flow and never plan to achieve a specific outcome.

Connecting with Ashtar

Two nights ago I could feel the onset of flu-like symptoms (yay, don’t we all love Ascension symptoms!) and on top of extremely negative work pressures I decided a bath-time meditation session is just what my body/mind/spirit needed. I went through my routine of prepping my bath with salt, candles and music. I started with breath-work to calm and relax my system. Usually I also do grounding and work through my chakras but this time instead decided to do a quick 12D Shield (Click here for Instructions to 12D Shield) exercise instead. Everything went well and I was beautifully lit in brilliant white light until I came halfway through the exercise and information started coming through (my partner and I call it “downloading info”). I was overcome with the strong sense of my Divine Feminine energy, the love and respect and beauty it entailed. The nurturing and comfort it brings. I cradled myself and enjoyed the energy and all it stood for.

I sensed a group…, not threatening, but not known to me either. There was one in front of the faded group talking to me, just like your Higher Self might. It’s not a physical voice in your ear nor is it your imagination! Those having made contact with other beings or realms will understand this method I am describing. When you hear information you also sense/feel/see it at the same time. As words are spoken the vision appears simultaneously. In order for me to fully explain the information that followed it would be best to lay it out as a conversation.


(Holding myself in a relaxed foetal position, relaxed, feeling feminine, love, calm, balanced, harmony. Suddenly I sense the group and the voice starts explaining my current emotion being felt and continue to explain further…)


“As an empath you feel others’ emotions deeply. You have opened many spiritual growth doors for yourself with this ability. Because you allowed it, observed it, acknowledged and worked on what you received, it is like a domino effect. You see, all humans have this ability! Built into your DNA! When humans were placed on earth it was done with all the “features” that Source has in order for it to experience itself. Because you tapped into an ability of positivity and high vibration by choice and used it to learn more, you opened another door to more gifts. Remember, as a human you have also been given choice, free will. You have the choice to either slap someone physically or verbally (action = negative/low vibration) or you can sit and cry with them, feeling their intense heartache in times of sadness (action = positive/high vibration). The more you connect with others in a positive, compassionate way, the more features to the Creator in you will be unlocked! You have a game called Money or the Box and this experience is almost similar except Earth was interfered with and the manipulators have oppressed, suppressed and depressed humanity by limiting their choices or forcing them to unknowingly take obvious negative options (think racism, elite vs poor, daily fighting for survival). This will end as it was never the intention for humans to suffer in this way.


(I see my hands tied behind my back with a cable tie like a kidnapper would his victim….. I’m also wondering who I am talking to. Who is this group? Pleiadians? This is definitely not my Higher Self)


“Those that came to Earth to manipulate humanity took away the human’s choice and basically said to them “Pick a box, using only one hand”. This is narcissistic, service to self orientated and not in line with the original blueprint. Things have changed now however. Because you, and many others like you, have chosen positive and higher vibrations, your hands are undone. You are able to cut free the tied hands of others and they can do the same going forward. We are here, fighting, protecting and assisting. As one. The manipulators cannot continue this losing battle and humanity is now like a tsunami wave.”


(“Who are you?!”  I ask, not fearing as I don’t sense anything remotely negative)





(This was said exactly like this and 3 times in a row, perhaps to make sure I heard correctly)


(Ashtar? THE Ashtar from Ashtar Command?!…. Wow…. Why?….How?….Cool!!)


“Rest assured, just like there is a global consciousness there is a Universal consciousness. Your global consciousness is raised and the wave is getting bigger every day. As long as you know that Earth’s call for assistance was Universally heard and you now have UNIVERSAL assistance, not just local. You are assisted by VERY advanced, intelligent beings in dimensions that humanity have not even heard of. You will be fine. Contact between us all will become easier. There will be Victory of the Light.


(I get the understanding of placing some person or country on a prayer list almost. To me it would seem that we are in the thoughts/meditations (for lack of better words) of Universal beings, enforcing us with whatever ability they can to win this battle for liberation.

I ask: May I share this message? Should I? Must I? People will think I’ve finally lost it….)


“You have free will. It is your choice of what and with whom you share. This will mostly help you in your personal spiritual growth capacity but also as a Healer and Awakener to others in one-on-one sessions.”


I proceeded to chat to him on/off a while longer and found him to be humorous, confident, a calm and friendly straight shooter, in command of many, many factions, overseeing the military side of things with no ego about it. As a girl I’m probably not too clued up on how military factions work and possibly dissed him too soon in my excited anxiety to go and tell my partner who just made contact with me. I am deeply honored nonetheless and trust Ashtar knows this. He is quite talkative in a very relaxed way and I know we’ll make contact again.


I don’t know about you but I feel safe. I feel happy and secure in knowing that we now have UNIVERSAL support out there and can only imagine the impact this will have on us, the expected Event, Ascension and liberation of our beloved Gaia and her occupants. Be sure to spread this amazing message of comfort, humanity can do with the reassurance!


Yours in Love, Light & Unity




5 Responses

  1. Hector Guerra says:

    I am so honored to know that you have come to Earth during these times. Thank you for all that you are doing and thank you for being you!

  2. Dee says:

    Thank you for sharing this Zee, much love to you.

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