Third time Lucky

Cosmic Shaman, Spiritual Healer & Guide

You fill up my senses
Like a night in a forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again

Come let me love you
Let me give my life to you
Let me drown in your laughter
Let me die in your arms
Let me lay down beside you
Let me always be with you
Come let me love you
Come love me again

You fill up my senses
Like a night in a forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again
~ John Denver

To be honest, when I met him at the age of 15 he was just not my type at all. We socialized in the same circles because of mutual friends but I have always been the quiet introvert observing the typical loud students around me. He was one of “them” and definitely not my cup of tea. He was just too much your typical student drinking, dancing and laughing the days away. Being loud and carefree like a trouble-free youth probably should be. Because of his constant party habits he was not even invited to my first wedding and today we ironically laugh about this together. If it was not for social media and mutual friends we probably never would have re-connected again after 20 odd years. Or would we?…

Ultimately everyone grows up. Life can be a tough teacher. You age and mature accordingly. I believe nothing happens by chance and when we “connected” again after all these years we were two very different people but with mutual interests and curiosity about life, the universe, the paranormal, the esoteric and any form of artistic beauty out there. Mental stimulation is a very underrated thing until you realise you have subconsciously been craving it. Slowly but surely we found ourselves deep in weird (according to community standard’s!) conversations, enjoying the talking and thinking outside the box. To make a long story short, in the coming years we both dealt with our individual divorces and decided to ride the waves of divorce after-shocks together. Mine were pretty clean breaks because of child-less marriages but for him, not so much.
We have spent the first couple of years together suffering emotionally, the following few years suffering financially and after sticking it out through many trials and tribulations our ocean became slightly calmer. Besides finding spirituality and awakening together, we found our feet emotionally and financially. We found our own self-worth again as well as our individual voices after fighting for what we firmly believed in – us!
It was simply wonderful to connect with another human being on all levels. The most important being the spiritual level. Together we have grown, wondered about the meaning of life, read and evolved into two people walking a beautiful spiritual path. Each for his own reasons but together as only Yin and Yang can be. I believe we bring out each other’s dark AND light and complement each other in very significant ways. We are both on spiritual journeys here, looking deep within ourselves, looking at others, questioning this super crazy world until our brains want to explode and the Monkey Brain is all we’re left with.

Our greatest joy is finding like-minded people, making deep and sincere connections as our souls choose to explore, absorb and ascend into our desired higher selves. We have made wonderful, sincere and life-long friends and we keep on meeting more and more beautiful souls. We choose love, peace and positive energy in and around us and there is no denying that this has a ripple effect in our lives. I am so proud of the people we have individually become but more so as a couple. We love seeing the positive, loving influence our vibe has on his (our) two beautiful Rainbow Children. We are grateful that we can create this peaceful environment for them and raise them with a loving consciousness in terms of the future.

Having lived many lives and any scenario imaginable I do believe the Universe has indeed blessed me with this experience of having a family for the third cycle in this lifetime. I may not be a biological mother in this one but love is love and that is the ultimate lesson. Love and respect for every living thing. Unconditional love. This is not something you are to be taught, shown or must know – you simply ARE. You simply experience it, radiate it. As a divine being you feel it within your being and ultimately exude it!